How to become a Forester

For people looking to pursue a career in forestry, a bachelor’s degree in forestry is a basic educational requirement. The following is a list of all accredited Forestry Programs in Canada where degrees may be obtained.

Accredited Forestry Programs at Canadian Universities

University of Alberta – Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences, Forestry Program

University of Alberta – Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences, Forest Business Management Program

University of British Columbia – Faculty of Forestry, Forest Resources Management Program

University of British Columbia – Faculty of Forestry, Forest Operations Program

University of British Columbia – Faculty of Forestry, Master of Sustainable Forest Management

Lakehead University – Faculty of Natural Resources Management, Honours Forestry Program (H.B.Sc.F.)

Laval University – Faculty of Forestry and Geomatics, Forest Environment and Forest Resources Management Program

Laval University – Faculty of Forestry and Geomatics, Forest Operations Program

University of Moncton – School of Forestry, Forest Sciences Program

University of New Brunswick – Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Management, Forest Ecosystem Management Program

University of Northern British Columbia – College of Science and Management, Ecosystem Science and Management Program (Forestry Ecology and Management Major)

An up-to-date listing of all accredited degree programs are listed on the Canadian Forestry Accreditation Board (CFAB) website at .


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