The Association of Registered Professional Foresters of Newfoundland & Labrador (RPFNL) is responsible for registering and regulating professional foresters in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador. Established in 1996, and bound by the Foresters Act (2011), the association is dedicated to the advocacy, promotion and professional practice of forestry within the province. Only members who have demonstrated competence in the profession and have agreed to the RPFNL Code of Ethics are permitted to use the title Registered Professional Forester (RPF).
The objectives of the association are:
(a) to establish and maintain high standards of professional ethics and excellence for members;
(b) to assure the general public of the knowledge, skill, proficiency and competency of members;
(c) to promote and improve the knowledge, skill, proficiency and competency of members; and
(d) to foster the professional practice of forestry, in a manner that is in the best interest of the people of Newfoundland and Labrador.